Thursday, July 3, 2008

How can i prevent from getting acne when shaving and head and shoulders as facial wash for acne

Cystic acne break-outs can be painful and lead to deep scarring. Some dermatologists consider it to be the most severe kind because topical medications do not get to the root of the problem. It heals extremely slowly because it is so deep that the infection is trapped under the skin. Cystic acne treatment is usually limited to oral medication so all cases should be taken to a dermatologist.
It would also be helpful if you can find products with Salicylic acid and Benzoyl peroxide. The former is very helpful in treating acne because of its ability to penetrate hair follicle. It sheds the skin of dead cells, this process is called exfoliation. This reduces the number of pore clogging and thus prevents breakouts on the skin. Salicylic acid products can be bought over the counter and ranges from .5% to .2% in strength. The latter is another helpful chemical which kills the pimple causing bacteria in skin.
Another effective herbal acne treatment includes fenugreek. You can make paste out of fenugreek leaves, which you can apply on your face every night. Leave the paste on overnight then wash off with warm water the next day. Grated cucumber placed over the face and neck for 15 to 20 minutes can prevent blackheads and pimples. Other notable useful herbs for your skin are green tea, tea tree oil, lavender and golden seal. These contain anti-microbial properties that help stop and prevent infection.
tags: body oil and acne and review, the best home remedy for acne scars, home remedies for acne redness

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